Profiles & Work of Professional Motion Picture Production and Post Talent

Carlo Van de Roer

Carlo Van de Roer is not a psychic. He can, however, read your aura—that intangible, mystical energy unique to each individual—with the press of a button.  As an inaugural participant in the New Museum’s New Inc program, Van de Roer founded a research and development lab in New York called Satellite Lab, with a focus… Continue reading Carlo Van de Roer

Andree Ljutica

Born in New York City to a Montenegrin father Midwest-American mother Andree allows the beautiful cultural tension of his upbringing to inform his work at every turn.  With imagery marked by a brooding minimalism and attention to graphic composition – carried over from his training as a painter – his approach to the image is… Continue reading Andree Ljutica

Simeon Pratt

Henry Behel

Lan Freedman

Alec Hanham

John Poliquin

Ian Robertson

Jordan Dashner

Craig Brownrigg