Profiles & Work of Professional Motion Picture Production and Post Talent

Spectrum. Think Forward. “Desert”

Category: Commercials
CoFounder/Managing Partner, Patti McConnell, CoFounder/Chief Creative, Tommy Henvey, Creative Director / Writer, Richard Ryan, Special Ops / Producer, Garrett Crabb, Director of Accounts, Meghan Linehan , Director : Biscuit, Noam Murro, Partner / Managing Director : Biscuit, Shawn Lacy, Executive Producer : Biscuit, Andrew Travelstead, Producer : Biscuit, Emily Skinner, Head of Production : Biscuit, Sean Moody, Director of Photography : Biscuit, Eric Schmidt, Production Designer : Biscuit, Brock Houghton, Editor : Work Editorial, Biff Butler , Assistant Editor : Work Editorial, Audrey Weiner, Executive Producer : Work Editorial, Erica Thompson, Producer : Work Editorial, Brandee Probasco, Parliament, VFX, Founder / Creative Director : Halo Music & Sound, Peter Gannon, Sound Designer : Halo Music & Sound, Gus Koven, Founder / Colorist : Color Collective, Alex Bickel, Mixer : Elevensound, Jeff Payne
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There has never been a more important time for brands to be empathetic, and there are a lot of brands out there talking the talk, but Charter is actually living it. The Spectrum Accessibility App is perfect example of that. This spot, is essentially a product demo, but it's very powerful because it's seen from inside the mind of a young woman who is visually impaired. We are able to glimpse into her imagination and see how she is able to have her own enjoyment of watching a movie with a friend. By creating a thoughtful solution to an everyday predicament, Charter made it very easy for us to tell the story of how the right product can make our lives so much more enjoyable.