Profiles & Work of Professional Motion Picture Production and Post Talent

Spectrum. They’re Selling It, Don’t Buy It. “Hide and Seek”

Category: Commercials
CoFounder/Managing Partner, Patti McConnell, CoFounder/Chief Creative, Tommy Henvey, Creative Director, Richard Ryan, Senior Producer, Marianne Waldron, Director of Accounts, Meghan Linehan , Director, David Shane , Executive Producer, Ralph Laucella, Executive Producer, Marc Grill, Executive Producer / Producer, Ken Licata, Partner/Editor, Jake Jacobsen, Partner/Executive Producer, Nancy Jacobsen, Producer, Diana Seldin , Music, Joel Simon
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Sometimes all you need to do is point out the truth. Turns out, if you simply translate what cable and phone companies are actually trying to sell you, it sounds very very bad. We developed this campaign with Charter to highlight the ridiculous promises and offerings of Spectrums competitors. Giving Spectrum an approachable voice and cutting through in this category.