Profiles & Work of Professional Motion Picture Production and Post Talent

Spectrum. Monsters. “Train”

Category: Commercials
CoFounder/Managing Partner, Patti McConnell, CoFounder/Chief Creative, Tommy Henvey , Creative Director, Richard Ryan, Senior Producer, Garrett Crabb, Director, David Shane, Executive Producer, Ralph Laucella, Executive Producer, Marc Grill, Executive Producer/Producer, Ken Licata, Production Design, Dan Ouellette, Special FX Makeup, Ed French, Makeup, Linda Barcojo, Costume Designer, Melissa Des Rosier, Partner/Editor, Jake Jacobsen, Assistant Editor, Jake Trill, Post EFX Producer, Stephanie Norris, Music, Joel Simon
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Competitive advertising can too often take the low road. This competitive campaign stayed classy. Its smart, funny and, while it was conceived as purely competitive, it became an under-the-radar brand campaign. Its now the most successful campaign in Spectrum history at shifting brand approval.