Profiles & Work of Professional Motion Picture Production and Post Talent

Spectrum. Everything

Category: Commercials
CoFounder/Managing Partner, Patti McConnell, CoFounder/Chief Creative, Tommy Henvey, Creative Director/Writer, Richard Ryan, Art Director, Joel Chua, Producer, Garrett Crabb, Director, Clay Weiner, Partner/Managing Director, Shawn Lacy, Executive Producer, Holly Vega, Head of Production, Sean Moody, Producer, Lisa Stockdale, Editor/Partner, Jake Jacobsen, Colorist, Eric Schwalbe, Mixer, Roman Zeitlin, Executive Producer, Nancy Jacobsen, Producer, Sophia Mosner-Koor, Finishing Producer, Stephanie Norris, VFX, Art Jail, Music, JSM
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Retail done right. Spectrum Mobile.   The best deal in mobile? A billion dollar network, for $29.99.   This is hard-hitting retail, delivered with charm. In a competitive market it isn’t enough to just shout a price from the rooftops a hundred times (which we do), you also need to show people exactly what they’re getting for that price. A $5 mobile plan isn’t much of a deal if you’re only getting a $5 network, with $5 service and $5 support. So our plan was to show you everything you’re getting for your $29.99. Ready? On your marks, get set, go.